Operating Modes
Acknowledgment with Error
"Overflow of target position
preset memory"
Time t
(see illustration above) defines the time that passes between
status change of the acceptance bit by the control unit and the reception
of acknowledgment in the master. The time is made up of the effective
transmission time of the command and actual values and thus depends
on the configuration of the interface to the master (e.g. SERCOS/field bus
timing parameter).
If the "drive-controlled positioning" mode is not yet active, the
acknowledgment of acceptance of the new positioning
command value does not take place.
If bit 0 of S-0-0346 is unequal bit 0 of S-0-0419 while the
operating mode is active, the positioning command value from
S-0-0282 is immediately accepted and the drive immediately
moves to this command value.
The acknowledgment of acceptance takes place when the new
positioning command value is accepted from the intermediate memory
into parameter S-0-0430, Effective target position and thus into the
position command value generator.
S-0-0346, Positioning control word
S-0-0282, Positioning command value
S-0-0419, Positioning command acknowledge
(command value accepted)
message "target position attained" (S-0-0013, Bit 12)
Fig. 7-20:
Acknowledgment of positioning command value acceptance in mode
"complete move to positioning command value (k+2)"
When trying, in the "complete move to positioning command value" mode,
to preset a new positioning command value by toggling parameter
S-0-0346, Positioning control word although the previous positioning
command value (k+1) was not accepted (because the drive had not yet
moved to the previous positioning command value (k)), the F2050
Overflow of target position preset memory error message is
MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
drive-internal position
command value