In particular:
• as temperature increases, oxygen becomes less watersoluble and
bubbles begin to form.
• CO2 (carbon dioxide) is generated as the carbonates of calcium and
magnesium precipitate out.
• the chemical oxidation of the metals in the system also generates
These gases must be eliminated as they are formed. The system needs
to be designed and installed so that all gases can be vented quickly,
easily, and effectively.
Use of Antifreeze
Do not use automotive silicate-based antifreeze in the
heating system.
In areas where freezing may occur, an antifreeze may be added to the
system water as protection. Please adhere to the specifications
provided by the antifreeze manufacturer.
▶ Use the anti-freeze manufacturer's data to determine the anti-freeze
ratio for the desired freeze protection temperature.
▶ Do not exceed 50% antifreeze mix ratio and do not use antifreeze
other than specifically made for hot water heating systems.
Water treatment | 15
6 720 805 218 (2013/02)