CARESCAPE Monitor B850
battery (in mV)
Ambient temperature (in C)
CPU temperature (in C)
945 temperature (in C)
VideoCard temperature (in C)
11.3.2 Ping a TCP/IP network device
Use this Webmin feature to verify connectivity with a network device on the MC Network and IX
Log in to Webmin.
Select Diagnostics > Ping.
In the Address to Ping field in the Ping Command window, type the IP address of a known
device on the network and select ping.
If you receive a reply, then you are able to connect to the device.
If you do not receive a reply, make sure that the patient monitor is connected to an active
The patient monitor withstands a maximum packet loss of 5 packets per 1 million and
maximum latency of 250 ms without performance degradation.
11.3.3 Log files
The patient monitor collects information about different system events and errors to log files.
These log files help troubleshooting problems in the patient monitor and the connected
peripheral devices.
The following table describes the available log files and the type of information that they
Lithium Battery Voltage for the Real Time Clock
Ambient temperature of the CPU unit measured by the
sensor in the main processor board
An internal temperature of the CPU unit measured by
the sensor in the main processor
An internal temperature of the CPU unit measured by
the sensor in the Intel 945 Graphic controller chipset (1st
and 2rd display port) temperature
An internal temperature of the CPU unit measured by
the sensor in the additional 3rd video board (optional)